Getting started with Xero App Online
Follow these steps to integrate Xero Online App with your HubSpot Portal.
After you successful registration into the App you will be Redirected for HubSpot Authentication.
After the Successful HubSpot Authentication you will be Redirected to Xero Authentication Page.
After the Successful Authentication of HubSpot Portal and Xero App you will be redirected to app Dashboard page.
On Contact syncing page, User can select the dynamic mapping of Contact properties which is to be sync between HubSpot and Xero and User can also able to Start/Stop autosyncing of Contacts between both the apps.
User can create Invoice in Xero for the Deal created in HubSpot and select the Dynamic mapping of properties for creating Invoice from HubSpot Deals.
User can See the logs of Data Syncing between the HubSpot and Xero App.