Easy Custom Objects Steps
Purpose of Easy Custom Objects
- Fetch Custom Objects according HubSpot Selected HubSpot Account.
- Add and Update Custom Object according choose HubSpot Account.
Step 1
Step 1: Visit Easy Custom Object Link and Login.
Step 2
Step 2: Connect Your HubSpot Portal.
When You click “SUBMIT” button, You will redirect on HubSpot Account’s page and after select your account you will redirect on “Managed Easy Custom Object Page”, When you click first time, You’ll be redirected to a HubSpot OAuth grant to connect your portal.
Step 3
Step 3: Choose your HubSpot Account.
You can choose or change your HubSpot account accordingly by clicking “Choose Another Account”.
Step 4
Step 4: Create Custom Object
Click “Add new Custom Object” for create a new custom object for your application
Step 5
Step 5: Add Custom Object.
choose the Name of a Custom Object according to your requirement and use it.
Step 6
Step 6: Edit the Properties to Primary to Secondary.
You can update the property like primary, secondary and also make the property to required and all according to your need.
Step 7
Step 6: Edit Associations, update Associations and copy existing Association .
You can view, update and Edit Associations according to your need and also copy the existing Association as per your requirement.
Step 8
Step 6: Delete the Associations
You can also delete the Associations as per your requirement between the Objects and custom object if you don’t want to associate.